Batgirl: So, didja figure out the BATNA in the last post?
Batman: Maybe. But why would I tell you?
BG: You didn’t figure it out.
BM: Yes, I did.
BG: OK, remember, it had to fit three rules, right?
BM: Right. Uhh…… Read More
OK, we’ve talked interests, we’ve talked goal setting, we’ve talked about various ways in which to communicate when negotiating, but we haven’t talked BATNA.
No, that wasn’t an accidental spasm on my keyboard. That was BATNA.
Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement… Read More
You know how in the movies, when they’re talking about negotiations, and to underscore how important it is some fat, hairy man with too many gold chains says, “Name your price”?
I hate that part.
I hate that part because it’s the wrong thing to focus on. It’s like haggling without knowing what the currency is. If the price is 5,000, wouldn’t you prefer knowing … Read More
![the stupid economy]()
Man, ask just about anyone how 2009’s been treating them and you’ll get a smattering of groans, grunts and a whole lotta “What the heck is up with the economy?”
And if the job market looks frightening now, the freelance market is gonna start making it look like a 76-trombone parade (sorry, this shouldn’t be news).
Unfortunately, when things get rough our natural tendency is … Read More